Source code for cloud_sptheme

This module contains a few small sphinx extensions.
They are mainly used to help with the generation
of BPS's own documentation, but some other projects
use them as well, so they are kept here.
# imports
# core
import re
import os.path
from warnings import warn
# site
# WARNING: since this is imported by, it's critical the toplevel
#          not depend on any imports outside of stdlib & setuptools
# local
__all__ = [
    # constants

    # theme setup
    "get_theme_dir",  # deprecated
    # "_iter_theme_sources()",  # used by
    # "setup",  # used by sphinx.html_theme entrypoint

    # public helpers

    # internal helpers

# constants

#: canonical version string
__version__ = "1.10.0"

#: names of standard cloud extensions used by most cloud themes
std_exts = [

#: names of all cloud extensions
all_exts = std_exts + [

# theme setup

#: root of this package
_root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

#: root of themes subdir
_theme_dir = os.path.join(_root_dir, "themes")

[docs]def get_theme_dir(): """Returns path to directory containing this package's Sphinx themes. .. deprecated:: 1.7 As of Sphinx 1.2, this is passed to Sphinx via a ```` entry point, and no longer needs to be included in your documentation's ````. """ warn("get_theme_dir() is deprecated, and will be removed in version 2.0", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1) return _theme_dir
def _iter_theme_sources(): """ setup helper -- iterates over ``(theme name, theme path)`` pairs for all HTML themes in this package. """ base = _theme_dir assert os.path.isabs(base) for name in os.listdir(base): path = os.path.join(base, name) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "theme.conf")): yield name, path def setup(app): """ sphinx 1.6 entrypoint for registring HTML themes; required by "sphinx.html_themes" entrypoint. """ for name, path in _iter_theme_sources(): app.add_html_theme(name, path) #============================================================================= # misc public helpers #=============================================================================
[docs]def get_version(release): """ Derive short version string from longer 'release' string. This is quick helper which takes a project's ``release`` string, and generates the shortened ``version`` string required by ````. Usage example for ````:: import cloud_sptheme as csp ... # The version info for the project you're documenting from myapp import __version__ as release version = csp.get_version(release) """ return re.match("(\d+\.\d+)", release).group(1)
#============================================================================= # misc internal helpers #============================================================================= def is_cloud_theme(name): """ [hack] internal helper to check if named theme belongs to this package """ # TODO: find way to detect if an external theme *derives* from this package return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_theme_dir, name, "theme.conf")) #============================================================================= # eof #=============================================================================