“Cloud” sphinx theme


This package provides a theme called “Cloud”, used to generate this documentation. Aside from being just another Sphinx theme, it has a few special features:

Toggleable sections
You can mark sections with .. rst-class:: html-toggle, which will make the section default to being collapsed under html, with a “show section” toggle link to the right of the title.
Additional CSS classes

It provides a couple of simple styling directives for adding variety to long Python library documentation:

  • You can mark tables with .. rst-class:: html-plain-table to remove separating lines between rows.
  • You can mark <h2> sections with .. rst-class:: emphasize-children to provide addition visual dividers between large numbers of sub-sub-sections.
Navigation enhancements
It provides options (roottarget, logotarget) which allow the table of contents to be a distinct from the front page (index.html) of the document. This allows a master table of contents to be maintained, while still allowing the front page to be fully customized to welcome readers.
Additional styling options

It also provides a number of styling options controlling small details such as external links, document sizing, etc. See below.

It also uses an adaptive layout to work well on all screen sizes from mobile phones to widescreen desktops.

Google Analytics Integration
By enabling two theme options with conf.py, Cloud will automatically insert a Google Analytics tracker to the bottom of each page, along with a polite link allowing users to set a cookie which opts them out.

List of Options


Sets which page which the title link in the navigation bar should point to (defaults to the special value "<toc>", which uses the table of contents).
Sets the page which the sidebar logo (if any) should point to (defaults to the special value <root>, which just mirrors roottarget).

Document Layout

Sets the maximum document width, so the documentation does not stretch too far on wide monitors (defaults to 11in).
Sets the maximum width where the “mobile” layout will be used. This layout omits the sidebar and everything else that can be trimmed, and is designed to (hopefully) be more usuable on mobile devices. (defaults to 700px).
sets the minimum height of the page body (defaults to 6in).

Changed in version 1.7: compact_width option has been removed, and will be ignored. (it previously provided an intermediate level of padding between minimal_width and max_width).

Font Sizing


Sets the default font size for the whole document (defaults to 87.5% of browser default).


Sets the default font size for the whole document when the “mobile” layout is being used (defaults to 75% of browser default).

Document Styling

Optional boolean flag which render headers in a lighter underlined style, rather than with a solid background. Also enables other related stylistic changes.
Optional boolean flag which adds a slight amount of shading to sidebar, navbars, and section headers.
Optional boolean flag which makes page background match document background. Also enables other related stylistic changes.


Boolean flag that controls whether references should be displayed with an icon. (defaults to True).
Optional image or string to prefix before any external links (defaults to , ignored if externalrefs=False).
Optional image or string to prefix before any issue tracker links generated by cloud_sptheme.ext.issue_tracker (defaults to , ignored if externalrefs=False).


There are a number of options for changing the various colors and fonts used by this theme, which are still undocumented. A complete list can be found in the theme’s configuration file (/cloud_sptheme/themes/cloud/theme.conf).


Setting this via html_theme_options to your GA id (e.g. UA-XXXXXXXX-X) will enable a Google Analytics tracker for all pages in the document, as well insert a link in the footer allowing users to opt out of tracking.
Setting this allows limiting the tracker to a subpath, useful for shared documentation hosting (e.g. PyPI or ReadTheDocs).


Using the theme

To use the cloud theme, open your documentation’s Sphinx conf.py file, make the following changes:

# import Cloud
import cloud_sptheme as csp

# ... some contents omitted ...

# set the html theme
html_theme = "cloud"
    # NOTE: there is also a red-colored version named "redcloud"

# ... some contents omitted ...

# set the theme path to point to cloud's theme data
html_theme_path = [csp.get_theme_dir()]

# [optional] set some of the options listed above...
html_theme_options = { "roottarget": "index" }

See also

See the next page (Feature Test) for examples of these options in action.

Section Styles

Emphasized Children

Adding .. rst-class:: emphasize-children to a 2nd-level section header will cause the headers of all of it’s child sections to be emphasized with a solid background. This is mainly useful for very long sections, where there needs to be a visual divide between 3rd-level sections.

Toggleable Sections

By adding .. rst-class:: html-toggle before any section header, it can be made toggleable:

.. rst-class:: html-toggle

Toggleable Section

This section is collapsed by default.

While toggleable sections start out collapsed by default, you can use .. rst-class:: html-toggle expanded to override this.

Table Styles

  • Adding .. rst-class:: plain can be used to remove the row shading and other styling from a table.
  • Adding .. rst-class:: centered can be used to center a table.
  • Adding .. rst-class:: fullwidth can be used to expand a table to the full width of the page.

See also

The table_styling extension for additional table styling abilities, e.g. per-column text alignment.